Source code for dit.other.cumulative_residual_entropy

The (generalized) cumulative residual entropy and conditional (generalized)
cumulative residual entropy.

from six.moves import range  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,import-error

from boltons.iterutils import pairwise

import numpy as np

from .. import Distribution as D, ScalarDistribution as SD
from ..helpers import numerical_test

__all__ = ['cumulative_residual_entropy',

def _cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, generalized=False):
    The cumulative residual entropy is an alternative to the Shannon
    differential entropy with several advantageous properties.

    dist : ScalarDistribution
        The distribution to compute the cumulative residual entropy of.
    generalized : bool
        Whether to integrate from zero over the CDF or to integrate from zero
        over the CDF of the absolute value.

    CRE : float
        The (generalized) cumulative residual entropy.

    eps = ((e if generalized else abs(e), p) for e, p in dist.zipped())
    events, probs = zip(*sorted(eps))
    cdf = dict((a, p) for a, p in zip(events, np.cumsum(probs)))
    terms = []
    for a, b in pairwise(events):
        pgx = cdf[a]
        term = (b-a)*pgx*np.log2(pgx)
    return -np.nansum(terms)

[docs]def generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, extract=False): """ The generalized cumulative residual entropy is a generalized from of the cumulative residual entropy. Rather than integrating from 0 to infinity over the absolute value of the CDF. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution to compute the generalized cumulative residual entropy of each index for. extract : bool If True and `dist.outcome_length()` is 1, return the single GCRE value rather than a length-1 array. Returns ------- GCREs : ndarray The generalized cumulative residual entropy for each index. Examples -------- >>> generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(uniform(-2, 3)) 1.6928786893420307 >>> generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(uniform(0, 5)) 1.6928786893420307 """ if not dist.is_joint(): return _cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, generalized=True) length = dist.outcome_length() margs = [SD.from_distribution(dist.marginal([i])) for i in range(length)] cres = np.array([_cumulative_residual_entropy(m, generalized=True) for m in margs]) if len(cres) == 1 and extract: cres = cres[0] return cres
[docs]def cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, extract=False): """ The cumulative residual entropy is an alternative to the Shannon differential entropy with several desirable properties including non-negativity. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution to compute the cumulative residual entropy of each index for. extract : bool If True and `dist.outcome_length()` is 1, return the single GCRE value rather than a length-1 array. Returns ------- CREs : ndarray The cumulative residual entropy for each index. Examples -------- >>> d1 = ScalarDistribution([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [1/6]*6) >>> d2 = ScalarDistribution([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100], [1/6]*6) >>> cumulative_residual_entropy(d1) 2.0683182557028439 >>> cumulative_residual_entropy(d2) 22.672680046016705 """ if not dist.is_joint(): return _cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, generalized=False) es, ps = zip(*[(tuple(abs(ei) for ei in e), p) for e, p in dist.zipped()]) abs_dist = D(es, ps) return generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(abs_dist, extract)
[docs]def conditional_cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, rv, crvs=None, rv_mode=None): """ Returns the conditional cumulative residual entropy. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution to compute the conditional cumulative residual entropy of. rv : list, None The possibly joint random variable to compute the conditional cumulative residual entropy of. If `None`, then all variables not in `crvs` are used. crvs : list, None The random variables to condition on. If `None`, nothing is conditioned on. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret `rvs` and `crvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `crvs` and `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted, which defaults to 'indices'. Returns ------- CCRE : ScalarDistribution The conditional cumulative residual entropy. Examples -------- >>> from itertools import product >>> events = [ (a, b) for a, b, in product(range(5), range(5)) if a <= b ] >>> probs = [ 1/(5-a)/5 for a, b in events ] >>> d = Distribution(events, probs) >>> print(conditional_cumulative_residual_entropy(d, 1, [0])) Class: ScalarDistribution Alphabet: (-0.0, 0.5, 0.91829583405448956, 1.3112781244591329, 1.6928786893420307) Base: linear x p(x) -0.0 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.918295834054 0.2 1.31127812446 0.2 1.69287868934 0.2 """ if crvs is None: crvs = [] mdist, cdists = dist.condition_on(crvs=crvs, rvs=[rv], rv_mode=rv_mode) cres = [cumulative_residual_entropy(cd, extract=True) for cd in cdists] ccre = SD(cres, mdist.pmf) return ccre
[docs]def conditional_generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(dist, rv, crvs=None, rv_mode=None): """ Returns the conditional cumulative residual entropy. Parameters ---------- dist : Distribution The distribution to compute the conditional generalized cumulative residual entropy of. rv : list, None The possibly joint random variable to compute the conditional generalized cumulative residual entropy of. If `None`, then all variables not in `crvs` are used. crvs : list, None The random variables to condition on. If `None`, nothing is conditioned on. rv_mode : str, None Specifies how to interpret `rvs` and `crvs`. Valid options are: {'indices', 'names'}. If equal to 'indices', then the elements of `crvs` and `rvs` are interpreted as random variable indices. If equal to 'names', the the elements are interpreted as random variable names. If `None`, then the value of `dist._rv_mode` is consulted, which defaults to 'indices'. Returns ------- CCRE : ScalarDistribution The conditional cumulative residual entropy. Examples -------- >>> from itertools import product >>> events = [ (a-2, b-2) for a, b, in product(range(5), range(5)) if a <= b ] >>> probs = [ 1/(3-a)/5 for a, b in events ] >>> d = Distribution(events, probs) >>> print(conditional_generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(d, 1, [0])) Class: ScalarDistribution Alphabet: (-0.0, 0.5, 0.91829583405448956, 1.3112781244591329, 1.6928786893420307) Base: linear x p(x) -0.0 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.918295834054 0.2 1.31127812446 0.2 1.69287868934 0.2 """ if crvs is None: crvs = [] mdist, cdists = dist.condition_on(crvs=crvs, rvs=[rv], rv_mode=rv_mode) cres = [generalized_cumulative_residual_entropy(cd, extract=True) for cd in cdists] ccre = SD(cres, mdist.pmf) return ccre