Source code for dit.divergences.jensen_shannon_divergence

The Jensen-Shannon Diverence.

This is a reasonable measure of distinguishablity between distribution.

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from six.moves import zip  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,import-error

import dit
from ..exceptions import ditException
from ..distconst import mixture_distribution
from ..shannon import entropy as H, entropy_pmf as H_pmf
from ..utils import unitful

__all__ = ('jensen_shannon_divergence',

def jensen_shannon_divergence_pmf(pmfs, weights=None):
    The Jensen-Shannon Divergence: H(sum(w_i*P_i)) - sum(w_i*H(P_i)).

    The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a distance metric.

    Assumption: Linearly distributed probabilities.

    pmfs : NumPy array, shape (n,k)
        The `n` distributions, each of length `k` that will be mixed.
    weights : NumPy array, shape (n,)
        The weights applied to each pmf. This array will be normalized
        automatically. If None, each pmf is weighted equally.

    jsd: float
        The Jensen-Shannon Divergence

    pmfs = np.atleast_2d(pmfs)
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(pmfs.shape[0], dtype=float) / pmfs.shape[0]
        if len(weights) != len(pmfs):
            msg = "number of weights != number of pmfs"
            raise ditException(msg)
        weights = np.asarray(weights, dtype=float)
        weights /= weights.sum()

    mixture = dit.math.pmfops.convex_combination(pmfs, weights)
    one = H_pmf(mixture)
    entropies = np.apply_along_axis(H_pmf, 1, pmfs)
    two = (entropies * weights).sum()
    return one - two

[docs]@unitful def jensen_shannon_divergence(dists, weights=None): """ The Jensen-Shannon Divergence: H(sum(w_i*P_i)) - sum(w_i*H(P_i)). The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a distance metric. Parameters ---------- dists : [Distribution] The distributions, P_i, to take the Jensen-Shannon Divergence of. weights : [float], None The weights, w_i, to give the distributions. If None, the weights are assumed to be uniform. Returns ------- jsd: float The Jensen-Shannon Divergence Raises ------ ditException Raised if there `dists` and `weights` have unequal lengths. InvalidNormalization Raised if the weights do not sum to unity. InvalidProbability Raised if the weights are not valid probabilities. """ if weights is None: weights = np.array([1/len(dists)] * len(dists)) else: if hasattr(weights, 'pmf'): m = 'Likely user error. Second argument to JSD should be weights.' raise dit.exceptions.ditException(m) # validation of `weights` is done in mixture_distribution, # so we don't need to worry about it for the second part. mixture = mixture_distribution(dists, weights, merge=True) one = H(mixture) two = sum(w*H(d) for w, d in zip(weights, dists)) jsd = one - two return jsd
def jensen_divergence(func): """ Construct a Jensen-Shannon-like divergence measure from `func`. In order for this resulting divergence to be non-negative, `func` must be convex. Parameters ---------- func : function A convex function. Returns ------- jensen_func_divergence : function The divergence based on `func` """ @unitful def jensen_blank_divergence(dists, weights=None, *args, **kwargs): if weights is None: weights = np.array([1 / len(dists)] * len(dists)) else: if hasattr(weights, 'pmf'): m = 'Likely user error. Second argument should be weights.' raise ditException(m) # validation of `weights` is done in mixture_distribution, # so we don't need to worry about it for the second part. mixture = mixture_distribution(dists, weights, merge=True) one = func(mixture, *args, **kwargs) two = sum(w * func(d, *args, **kwargs) for w, d in zip(weights, dists)) jbd = one - two return jbd docstring = """ The Jensen-{name} Divergence: {name}(sum(w_i*P_i)) - sum(w_i*{name}(P_i)). Parameters ---------- dists : [Distribution] The distributions, P_i, to take the Jensen-{name} Divergence of. weights : [float], None The weights, w_i, to give the distributions. If None, the weights are assumed to be uniform. *args : Returns ------- j{init}d: float The Jensen-{name} Divergence Raises ------ ditException Raised if there `dists` and `weights` have unequal lengths. InvalidNormalization Raised if the weights do not sum to unity. InvalidProbability Raised if the weights are not valid probabilities. """.format(name=func.__name__, init=func.__name__[0]) jensen_blank_divergence.__doc__ = docstring return jensen_blank_divergence